Sunday, January 31, 2016

Really Rad!

We had another fun week this week! We began with some letter R/r tracing...

And then we made name rockets and danced to the "rocket run" song!

Later that day we played with friends at the gym and did some rope jumping, riding bikes, and running races.

On Tuesday we ate raisins while watching a video about the water cycle (for how rain is made). 

We did R/r matching with raindrops and made a "R" rain cloud. We even tried a water cycle experiment (pictured later).

Later that day we painted...

On Wednesday we traced...

And then put on our robes to play in the rice!

We even checked our rain the end of the week Kieryn was really good at saying the words "evaporation, condensation, and precipitation."

On Thursday we did some red rectangle math and counting. Then we traced and made rectangle robots!

That afternoon we made rice crispy treats and practiced cutting and glueing while talking about things we can do to do Right by God. We talked about how to put those things in our heart and the not right things outside our heart. We discussed how those good things make God (who is in our heart) happy so we too feel good when doing Right by Him. The kids enjoyed it!

On Friday we found lots of rings...

Later we practiced ripping and matching colors to make a rainbow. Kieryn even recalled which story in the bible had a rainbow. She could even say what that rainbow meant. 

Later that morning we made our weekly visit to the Great Grandparents. We were all sporting our new scarves! I was trying out Steven's since he was at work...mine is in the works! I have been working/learning/improving my crochet skills! I haven't ventured from this pattern yet but I am having fun! The kids even have a smaller version on their scarf for their doll/dog to wear so they can match...surprisingly this was their idea, not mine.

Because the weather was glorious the kids got to go on a tractor ride with Grandpa. I think this was the highlight of the week!

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Grandpop and GrandmomFebruary 1, 2016 at 10:40 AM

    We can see why the tractor ride would be a highlight!
    The rockets turned out great.
