Saturday, August 29, 2020

End of August!

We tried out our new jump ropes a few days this week for P.E. time! Both kids are getting pretty good!

Alexis had fun trying too!

Tyson enjoyed some outside time in the shade too. He was content to just sleep while we jumped!

Even the dogs got to watch our jump rope fun!

Tyson had some good awake time this week!

And of course, some really good snuggles too!

Ronan lost his 2nd tooth this week!

We also had fun with water balloons for outside brain break time...

Tyson loved just chilling in his seat with the bug net on...

This little guy is bringing all kinds of joy to our home! We love you Tyson!

Until next time!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Exciting Week! New Addition!

We began this week with lots of school on Monday and Tuesday in preparation for my induction on Wednesday. It was a lot, but we still managed to get thru our whole week's main work AND still have some play time with friends. When the kids were playing with neighbor friends, I was busy cleaning and preparing for our newest addition!

The kids had fun making lego marble mazes...

On Wednesday my induction was scheduled for 7am but we got a call at 6:20am that they needed to push my start time back to 1pm. SO, we got to have a relaxing morning with the kids, finish some stuff in the baby room, and play with the kids. We arrived at the hospital at 1pm, by 2pm I was hooked up to machines and by 7:19 pm on August 19 we welcomed Tyson Charles Copp into the world! 

Last family photo as a family of 5!

We got home on Thursday at 9:15pm. We let the kids stay up late and watch a movie with Grandma Haug. When we arrived Tyson was welcomed with lots of hugs, kisses, and snuggles!

Here's the line to hold the new baby... it was hard to be patient!

We love you Tyson! You are a true blessing to our family!

While I was at the hospital the kids and their friends have started working on a club house! They found the perfect space in our hedge row to build. They are having so much fun planning and working on it together.

Grandpa Haug came to visit on Saturday. Tyson slept a lot, but it was nice that he got to play with the big kids for a short time!

This is one snugly, cuddly kid! Tyson, you are perfect!

So excited for the adventure ahead! Until next time!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Fun week!

Until September I plan to do busy bins with Alexis to review shapes, colors, letters, counting, as well as practice gross motor skills. This week we did a box that had letters, colors, counting and dumping/pouring. She loved it and we did different things each day!

I am super excited about our new picnic table! I plan to use this A TON this fall! Thank you Daddy for putting it together! We have already enjoyed it for multiple picnics in the shade!

The highlight of our time was playing with frog friends (each had a name)! They even built "frog paradise" for 6 different frogs they'd found around our house and the neighbors'. Toby was very interested in them as well.

Alexis loves caring for our dogs... this is where I found her one evening when my bedroom door was closed. She said she was the groomer! She even learned (not sure where) that if she hooks them to the door knob they can't get away from her! Her intelligence amazes me OFTEN!

We had fun with some face pain over the weekend. I am trying to get some quality fun in before baby #4 gets here!

Until next time!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Starting a New Adventure - Homeschool!

We started some school this week to see how it all would work! It was a fun week and things went well! Hopefully we can keep going with a good schedule once the baby arrives!

Had some fun outdoor PE this week too. The temperatures were low 80s, which made the mornings cooler for some awesome for playing outside!

We've got lots of golfers in this family!

We had a "candy store" on Friday... this was the reward for working hard in our homeschool for the week. They had a ticket for each day to spend on some special treats! I plan to change items each week! They loved it!

The kids had a fun play date on Saturday with some neighborhood kids. They set up and ran a jewelry making stand. They made $13 for their day of hard work, so each kid took home $2.50 when it was all over. It was such a fun time for them!

Until next time!