Sunday, March 27, 2022

Terrific Letter T

It was tough to go back to our school routine after a 10 day break but somehow we managed… Alexis and Tyson learned about letter T and had lots of fun!  We did trains, tents, trucks…

Toby and Maddie wanted to join in the tent fun but sadly for Toby he didn’t fit the best so he lounged on the outside of the tent. Maddie loves the extra snuggles!

We learned about tigers and turtles…

We had fun with some of my mini tea sets and then had our own tea party! 

Kieryn and I were fitted for our Girls On The Run Gala. We were asked to be models for it next Friday! It’s a black tie fundraiser for the program but the fashion show is fitness attire! It should be a fun event for Kieryn and I to attend together.

We made some music with our tambourines…

And practiced size order…


And then had fun pretending and tumbling with some friends!

We ended our week with a “treat”! It was a fun letter T week for sure!

Until next time!

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Amazing Spring Break!!

Spring break started the week before on a Thursday due to a snow day... but we decided it would be fun to surprise the kids with their first spring break trip! We packed and loaded the van the day and night before we left (Sunday)...

Then we woke them Monday morning and showed them a video of the Grand Country Indoor water park and Resort.... 

And we gave them about 45 minutes to change, pack some stuff for the 5 hour ride, and off we went to Branson, MO!

We had a blast at the waterpark all three days! 

Part of our package deal was two large pizzas and some arcade vouchers! 

Also part of our package deal was a go cart ride for each person in the family! Daddy was the lucky one who got to ride twice since no kiddos were old enough to drive.

AND part of our package deal were two free 2 hour shows! We loved them both (and all kids did well the whole 2 hours) but I think the "Amazing Pet Show" was the favorite!

Tyson danced and Kieryn got to go up on stage and tell a joke! Alexis didn't want her picture taken...

We took Thursday to recover at home but then headed to Seneca on Friday to visit the Haug Farm.

It was a rainy cold day so we had lots of fun inside instead!

Steven took the big kids to the St. Patrick's Day parade on Saturday and we spent Sunday recovering from Spring Break... and playing outside with friends!

Overall it was an AMAZING spring break!

Monday, March 14, 2022

Super S Week!

We began letter S by finding the letter in her name.. and on signs in the house…


Then had fun with stickers… she made a very imaginative sticker story too!

Then we had fun outside! Snow, snowman, sledding…

Later we played a silly emotion and motion game using our stop watch. You flip one top card for the motion (squat, spin, sit, shuffle, etc), then flip a bottom card to see the emotion you do with the motion (sad, silly, serious, scared, etc) then we timed it for 16 or 17 seconds using the stop watch… like silly shuffles, or sad sitting, serious squatting, etc. the kids loved it!

We played Sequence with Ronan that afternoon…

And had snow cones for dessert at dinner!

On Tuesday we played with sand and sea shells…

Did some practice sewing…

And then used the shovels to make a fun snow pile!

Later we played Stuffies!

On Wednesday we did a shape S using foam shapes… we did a shape puzzle and lots of practice with shapes!

We ended the lesson with practice listening for the S sound in words.

Thursday was a SNOW day!! Kieryn and Ronan got to start their spring break a day early!

Then we did stamping and a few games- scrabble and sorry…

Snowman with your sister- it’s the best!

Maddie was stuck playing fetch inside because the snow was too deep! She is very good at delicately placing her bone in a convenient spot for the thrower… and then waiting and watching until the bone is launched somewhere in the house. She could play this game for hours and never tire!

Until next time!