Monday, March 7, 2022

Really Rad Week

We ended last week with basketball late afternoon on Sunday (4 & 5 pm). Both Kieryn and Ronan are really enjoying the sport and both have improved so much since January!

After basketball we ventured out to Rocky Ford to explore for a short time so that we were prepared for our 4-H outdoor adventure the following Saturday (helps to know where to explore when you're the leader before taking a group of kids out to explore!)

Everyone had a great time!

On Monday Alexis and Tyson started learning about letter R!

We began with sensory play - ROCKS and Alexis had fun sorting the colors!

We talked about rockets and made our own after crafting a cool racoon!

On Tuesday we were outside a lot due to the 70 degree weather! 

We had fun with ribbon wands on the trampoline... and of course we ran and raced outside too!

On Thursday we enjoyed story time at the library and guess what? The book was "row, row, row your boat!" Alexis was excited that it began with R!

Ran into some friends at the library...

Later we made red rectangle robots and spent time finding "rectangles" throughout the house...

practiced counting and number tracing...

On Friday we did a lesson on rainbows and practiced counting and colors!

We had our toy friends help us with counting!

Ronan had basketball on Saturday morning...

He had six steals and one rebound which won him MVP for the game (and a sonic gift cards)... his teacher came to watch too! What a fun morning!

That afternoon we ventured to Rocky Ford again for our 4-H outdoor adventure! Alexis was excited that our adventure started with letter R! Despite the wind and later chilly temperatures, the kids had a blast!

Kieryn enjoyed her junior leader duties of explaining the kindness rock craft!

The group hiked and picked up trash too!

Each kiddo collected 4 rocks to clean and paint. They got to add kindness words later and hide them on trails or playgrounds where ever they choose! It was fun!

We ended the weekend with our final basketball games of the season! Both Kieryn and Ronan played so well!

Ronan scored his first basket and was so proud!

It was a fun week! Until next time...

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