Sunday, July 28, 2013

A visit from family!

Before our visitors arrived, Kieryn helped Daddy put the finishing touches on the house.

Welcome family and friends!! Now we're are ready for visitors!

On Friday, all of Kieryn's cousins stopped by for a day of fun and play. They pulled out every toy we had in the house and BOY DID THEY HAVE A BLAST!

Kieryn and Tiana had fun dressing up

Jacob wanted to join in the fun too. He quickly found out how difficult it is to walk in heels!

Lots of cousin love!

The kids really REALLY enjoyed watching the airplanes take off and land at the air field close to our house.

Cousins! Gavin, Chase, Tiana, Ronan, Kieryn, and Jacob

All the grandkids... (I was shocked we got them all to sit still for such a GREAT picture!)

Then on Saturday, we took Kieryn to Chocolate World for the "train" ride and free chocolate bar. It was packed with people, but she had fun. Ronan just slept in the baby carrier! ;)

While on the train ride there were singing cows that Kieryn really enjoyed. The entire way home Kieryn kept saying "bye bye singing cows". I think we'll have to take her there again soon!

Until next time...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Moving - What a Rush!!

The night before we took off for Pennsylvania, we celebrated Kieryn's 2nd birthday. She was so excited about her Elmo cake and hats (which were handcrafted by Mommy & Daddy). She and her friends had a blast! Surprisingly, there were no fights or need for time-outs, all kids got along GREAT! Kieryn is going to miss you Bronx, Lakyn, Wrigly, Rowan, McKenzie, & Josie!!

Birthday Girl!!


Thank you for celebrating Kieryn's special day!

Grandma & Grandpa hit the nail on the head with their birthday gift! Kieryn was SOOO excited to get her three new trains. Those trains had to ride with her in her car seat the entire trip to PA!

The next morning we took off for a 20+ hr drive to Palmyra. The trip went really pretty smooth, it was just long. The entire way we drove for 2 hours and then stopped for 1 hour. Kieryn loved watching her movies, reading books, coloring, and listening to her music...Ronan just slept (THANK GOODNESS!)

We spent one night in a hotel. The two kids were happy to get out of the vehicle! Kieryn's favorite part was the pool! They let us swim after hours, which was SUPER nice!

When we arrived at the house, this is what it looked like. Some of the unpacking was done because Steven had come out the weekend prior and set up beds. We were so thankful for Steven's parents' help, and the help of our new friends, Ron & Bobbie!

This past week we were busily unpacking and getting things situated. Thankfully, Sandy stayed a few extra days to play with Kieryn while we got things in order! WHEW did that ever help!! They had fun playing at the park and going swimming at a local pool.

Kieryn even got to help Daddy!

 While Ronan just relaxed on our new couches! He approves!

So, here it is, our NEW HOUSE!

We are officially moved in and settled! We even have our PA driver's licenses.

My Wildcat Kitchen!!

Ronan is now 5 1/2 weeks old and WOW does he seem big! He still sleeps a lot, but his awake times are getting longer and longer!  We love both our little sweetie pies!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Count Down in Kansas

On July 3rd, Kieryn helped Daddy load the moving truck. There were lots of boxes and heavy things, but Daddy managed to find some lighter things for her to bring on the truck. She had so much fun helping him!

Then on July 4th we ventured to Auburn to see the Copp family once more before leaving Kansas. It was so great to see everyone and they were excited to get to meet Ronan! Kieryn loved wearing her American flag shirt!

When we got home, Kieryn helped pick some of the blackberries from the bush she'd planted earlier this summer. Surprisingly, she loves blackberries! I think it's because she got to plant them, pick them, wash them, and then eat them! 

On July 5th Dale and Steven loaded up in the moving truck and headed to Palmyra, PA. Steven wanted to get one more snuggle in with Ronan before he left. Ronan was having some good awake time!

While Steven was gone, the kids and I did some visiting. It was fun, but sad to say goodbye to everyone.
We visited the Sudbecks' to meet baby Lawson. He's 4 days younger than Ronan.

Proud Grandparents...

We even snuck in one more visit to the Seneca swimming pool. This is one of Kieryn's favorite activities. She has master saying "swimming pool" and "swimming suit"!

 Ronan got to meet the Great Grandparents too!


Kieryn's favorite thing of the week was getting to ride in Grandpa Haug's big combine! She watched him as he finished harvesting the wheat... and then she got to drive it! She had so much fun!!

It's really hard to believe that Ronan is already one month old on this Wednesday! We are heading to Manhattan this week to see how much he's grown!

Only TWO more days in Kansas! The Copp family is leaving early on Wednesday morning. It will be a sad day, but exciting at the same time. We will miss Kansas and all the people we know and love, but we look forward to our adventure in Pennsylvania and the people we have yet to meet.
A BIG thank you to my Mom and Dad for letting us live with them this past six weeks. It was so wonderful and Kieryn and Ronan loved every minute of it! We love you so much!!
Next blog update will be from our new home!