Sunday, July 31, 2022

Sad to see July end!

Ronan had the busiest schedule of everyone last week… two birthday parties (Monday and Thursday), sleepover, football camp on a few evenings, and his final baseball game of the summer! 

We got all the fair projects and ribbons back!

Then on Friday we spent a day at Lake Kahola with some long time family friends. The kids had a blast!! 

Alexis found some snail friends! 

Tyson was having fun jumping in from the side and from the board!

Did some mini golf on Saturday with friends. Tyson refused to wear tennis shoes…

Sad that summer is quickly coming to an end…
We’ll be sure to make the most of our last few weeks! 😉

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Fair Week and More!

We ended last week with a Wamego Waves pool party and Mayhem club volleyball tryouts…

The yellow slide was the favorite! Tyson was doing it by himself and going completely under the water!!

On Monday we celebrated 13 years of marriage! We did a family trip to Tuttle Lake and had fun in the sun!!

We ended our day with a fun charcuterie board!

Our hibiscus are in full bloom and these two LOVE them!!

Water fun while babysitting!

Tyson was ready for some football…

Fun at St.George’s park! 

The fair judging began for us on Tuesday! Kieryn earned two purple ribbons and a blue on her 3 photos. Ronan entered 6 photos and earned 4 purples and two blue. (Ribbon order high to low- 1 grand champ, 2reserved champs, purple, blue, red, white). 

On Thursday we enjoyed family nite at the Kaw Valley Rodeo!

Kieryn and Ronan tried to grab a ribbon from a calf’s tail in the “Calf Scramble”

On Friday we finished our judging… Kieryn earned 2 purple on her Legos (one qualified for the state fair) and Ronan earned one purple and one blue! 

We followed up the judging with a round of mini golf and Taco Bell! 

Not pictured- our church pool party on Friday night, another trip to Wamego pool on Saturday! 

Oooo! And Kieryn was invited to play on the Mayhem 11s club volleyball team! She was super excited to say “yes”!! Her season begins in December. Until then we’ll enjoy city league volleyball and any fun clinics we can find! 

AND… Steven is starting work on our deck! YEESSSS!

We ended the fair week with a Sunday evening at the carnival!

Ronan is back row, but the bigs were excited to ride this “Rock Star” ride with Alexis!! She handled it well and said she would do it again but the lines got pretty long so once was good enough! 

The fair is always so much fun!
Until next time!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Summertime busy!

Last Sunday morning we celebrated baby Elsie’s baptism! It was a fun event!! We also had cookie cake to celebrate Kieryn’s 11th birthday!

That evening Kieryn had her birthday party! Pizza at the park…

Tye-dye scrunchies…

Twilight swim… and later a movie night. She wanted to keep it quaint. It was such a fun party with wonderful friends!

The week was crazy busy with camps! Kieryn had volleyball camp each day 10:00-1:30pm in Wamego and Ronan had basketball camp in Manhattan from 3-5pm. After Ronan’s camp on Monday we got to watch him play baseball! The team got beat but the boys still had a good time. 

Dabbing at dinner… couldn’t resist taking a picture. This kid is a sponge! He knows just what to do to be silly with the big kids, love this guy!

Tyson helped Dad fix the bubble guns to take to Kieryn’s Wednesday swim meet. 

Being 11 now, she was bumped up to the next age group in all her events which we were not expecting to happen until next season… but Kieryn handled the surprise well and swam her hardest against the older kids. 

Luckily she had some extra support cheering her on!

Camps finished up on Thursday… we had fun at the park and splash pad with friends to end the week…

Then Kieryn and Steven left at 5:15am on Saturday to drive to Ottawa for Kieryn’s league meet. 

We supported her from Manhattan by wearing all our team gear! She got first place in 4/5 events even though she was swimming in the next age group!! We are so proud of her hard work!

While she was at the meet, the younger three kids had fun at a neighborhood birthday party…

On Sunday we attended a Wamego Waves Swim team party! They handed out awards and the whole family got to swim at the Wamego pool! So much fun!!

What a great end to a fun week!!