Sunday, January 25, 2015

Nifty Week!

We began letter "N" week with some noise! We danced with our new noisy necklaces. The kids loved the sounds they made with we put them all on and danced/chased through the house!

On Tuesday we did tracing and fine motor practice by tearing newspaper and throwing it. It was an indoor snowball fight!


Later that day we read some books about birds and their nests. We then practiced sorting "big eggs" into the "big letter nest", and "little eggs" into the "little letter nest."

On Wednesday we played with noodles. We did a letter n with them, made noodle necklaces, and then just played.... Ronan like just playing!

That afternoon we enjoyed lunch and a playdate with friends and some classmates from Kieryn's school. It was a mad-house from 11:30-2pm!

But our guests had to leave at that time because many of them had to pick up older siblings from school because schools in the area let out early due to that evening, we went out and enjoyed the snow!

On Thursday we practiced more letter "n" with nuts, a necktie match, and a quick lesson on naughty and nice.

Then we had more friends over for lunch and a snow playdate. Callen and Cole had so much fun with Kieryn and Ronan!

We spent Friday at gymnastics and the library, but over the weekend we did painting...

and more snow play...

It was such a nice week!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Marvalous Week!

We began letter M week experimenting with magnets. Kieryn really had fun going around the house and finding things that were magnetic!

Then we played with our Magnaformers magnet set. 

On Tuesday we pretended to be monkeys! The kids really had fun with this one! First we traced letter M, read the book "No More Monkeys Jumping On the Bed", made the hats, and then turned on some music and had fun!

After lunch we did some activities with marshmallows...letter m and shapes!

That night we played marshmallow mouth with Daddy.... marshmallow teeth inside the mouth, roll the dice, count, and then remove/eat the marshmallow teeth. First with all teeth out of their mouth wins! 

On Wednesday we began the morning with some name practice... Kieryn is getting really good at tracing the letters of her name!

Then that afternoon we watched a quick video about Moses and tried to do a quick lesson on him.

That night after supper, we played an M&M color match game. 

On Thursday we played with money... kids like this!

That afternoon we made peach muffins!

And on Friday we did a letter M hunt! Kieryn found a muffin, Mater, and a monkey. 

Ronan found Minnie Mouse and Molly the train!

Then on Saturday we had a masquerade and danced to some music (our little party while Daddy was out celebrating a co-workers' birthday) :)  

Ronan didn't really like the masks... but he sure loved the dancing!

until next time...