Sunday, June 28, 2020

Hot Days!

We are having lots of fun at our neighborhood pool! Kieryn and Ronan are loving the water (and their swim lessons)!

Alexis has been swimming like such a brave kids in the big pool this summer too!

The boys and their dogs...

We had fun with our super hero bible lesson on Tuesday morning. Each week the kids get to make a new piece of their super hero costume. Alexis is loving it!

On Wednesday the big kids had fun with their 4-H stem lesson... they dissected an owl pellet...

Kieryn loved finding bones and teeth in her pellet...

Ronan was a little grossed out (like me) and didn't do as much digging as Kieryn to find bones...

We had a picnic breakfast one morning...

And took advantage of a cool/overcast Friday morning and went for a hike with the dogs... I braved it all on my own and we all came back alive and in good spirits! I thought it was a successful trip!!

The kids also had a lot of fun with golf this weekend! I didn't get to attend any of that, but Steven is loving his time at the course with the kids for sure!

Until next time!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

We love summer!!

The kids had a good time learning about wind in their virtual 4-H stem lesson. They made a wind wagon!

We also had fun this week making tents!

Toby made himself at home right in the middle of all the tent fun!

We took a long awaited trip to Seneca on Friday. The kids loved snuggling the baby kittens...

And feeding the cows...

And swinging on the tire swing!

We enjoyed an ice cream treat from Baskin Robins as reward for the kids keeping their room clean for two weeks!

It was a great week!
Until next time...

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Ronan’s Birthday Week!

We began the week with Monday morning dentist appointments for all kids and myself. It was an event bringing everyone! Alexis had her first check up and did a wonderful job cooperating to get her teeth cleaned! No one had any cavities!!

We had fun with sister dress up time this week...

Our neighborhood pool opened this week so we went swimming nearly every day. Alexis LOVES the water just like her older siblings!

Kieryn gave her first 4-H talk during the June meeting via zoom on Monday night. She did a GREAT job and wasn't nervous at all! 

We had fun building outside on Wednesday when it was a cooler day...

Doggie Pile!

The end of the week was prep for Ronan's birthday party. I finished his cake on Thursday night and Ronan loved it! The Nerf darts looked so real! The kids were excited to know that the darts could be eaten at the party!

We got Ronan a new big kid 20 inch bike for his birthday. He had fun picking it out!

The party bags provided gear and ammunition for the Nerf battle... eye protection, bandanna, wrist dart holder, and a balloon target they could make at home.

The kids had fun helping me paint boxes and make targets for the party. 

The party was hot, but we ended with water play and everyone cooled off! It was a success. After the party we had Ronan's choice for dinner - Papa John's Pizza, and then were joined for dessert by Grandpa, Grandpa, and the rest of the Haug clan! It was a fun to have everyone together again!

On Saturday morning Kieryn and Ronan did their first golf lesson with "First Tee." They loved it!

That was one of the busiest weeks that we have had in a long time. We deserve a lazy day tomorrow! :) Until next time!