We began the week with some dancing and musical instrunments on Monday morning...
The dancing quickly became chasing and running, but fun none-the-less.
We also talked about Daniel and the Lions for the week's bible lesson...
and Ronan got to do some fine motor work while Kieryn was at preschool...
On Tuesday morning Kieryn wanted to learn to tie, but she said she needed her glasses on to see better like Grandpa Haug... I had to take a picture!!
After working on her tie skills (she woke up at 5:50am...), we went to the store to pick out donuts for breakfast...
Kieryn ate the sprinkles and frosting off hers and then stole mine...
The two kids worked on drawing together...
and then we did a dice workout! We rolled, counted, and then did that number of the exercise on the picture... again, quickly became running and chasing, but we still got the rolling and counting part in!
Wouldn't be "d" week without dresses and LOTS of dress-up!!
On Wednesday we did a Daniel and the Lion puzzle, diamond search, and letter d tracing...
Then we spent the rest of the day doing dinosaur activities.... we began with a dino dig!
We read books about dinosaurs and later made some dino feet... and sang the dino march song!
Ronan got to do a nature walk and some digging of his own...
On Thursday, we did dalmation dog letter D matching... Ronan had a turn too!
And then we did a Donald & Daisy duck puzzle...
finally ventured to see the real ducks with some friends!
We did our weekly dancing & dusting later that afternoon... that again turned into chasing, running, and some gymnastics!
On Friday we did dot painting... and Kieryn did dots over her name.
Then we did our weekly "d" hunt and Kieryn came up with some good items!
Later we played doctor & dentist!
What a fun week! Excited to see what next week will bring! :)
The DENTIST looks a little daunting! You are a trusting Mom!!