Sunday, September 23, 2012

Growing Like a Weed!

We couldn't help but take a picture of Kieryn's chocolate mustache. She loves chocolate so now we have to be sneaky if we're having some or she'll only want to eat that....

We did some crafts this week again. She had a lot of fun with the "condiment painting". By the end, her hair and legs were covered in mustard and bbq sauce! We did mayo, ketchup, mustard, and bbq sauce and used sponges to practice stamping. I felt better about this "pain"t... knew it wouldn't make her sick if she tried to put it in her mouth.

We also worked on the word "mask" by making a few from paper plates. I thought it might be a good idea for us to practice and understand "mask" since Halloween is coming up and we'll be going to a party or two... never know what costumes might scare her.

She helped put them together...

and caught on right away that they are meant to cover your face. 

Kieryn has been enjoying her evenings with Daddy while I teach fitness swimming. They went on a walk to his work this week and took pictures by the doggie statue. It's nice to have cooler evenings to get outside... you'll notice the hat. GOOD JOB DADDY!

Something fun we made over the weekend... a coloring/drawing station for Kieryn... this way I don't have to worry about crayon on the table or walls. She now has a special spot, designated for coloring, and she loves it. 

We went through the animals on the stickers too. Surprisingly, she can point them out pretty quickly. She understands more than we give her credit for... I didn't think she'd get the giraffe and she knew right where it was!

We visited Daddy while he was working at the fitness center. Kieryn knew just what to do with the weights. I think she was excited that it was a pair she could finally lift. She tries really hard with the ones at home, but they're just a little too heavy... I think she's learning her moves from my training sessions.  The whole time she was doing a squat + over head press...and she took a GREAT nap when we got home. I think I know what I'm getting her for Christmas! :)

We love you Kieryn,! You make us so proud already!!

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