Sunday, November 13, 2016

Lovely lovely week!

We began our week with a lazy morning! Kieryn wasn't feeling well so she stayed home from school. She partook in the letter L activities! First we did some tracing...

We did L/l matching with lady bugs and a step ladder!

We even found a few lady bugs to investigate!

Later we got out some paint and painted handprint lobsters.

On Tuesday we practiced lacing with lollipops... And did a shape lollipop matching game. The boys had fun singing the lollipop song.

On Wednesday we did Lego and locomotive play! 

We practiced Ronan's name using Lego blocks...

We finished up the lesson with a number and shape match locomotive.

We even built a locomotive station and played Legos...

On Thursday Ronan was at Janell's. They did lambs and ladders!

On Friday we did an L search and talked about Loving the Lord. 

That afternoon we made fresh lemonade!

We had a busy weekend with kid bday parties and a fire pit... But I managed to get my fall wreath done! Looking forward to a break from the routine over the holidays!

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Grandpop and GrandmomNovember 13, 2016 at 3:02 PM

    We love your posts. I feel we say that every week...we sure miss all of you!! Your wreath is beautiful!!
