We began "J" week making jellyfish. Each tenticle had a letter on it and the kids had to match it to a letter in their name to spell their name on the jellyfish.
We colored a Jake picture too!
We had a special lunch... practiced spreading jelly on crackers!
Then we went outside to play in grape and strawberry jelly! The kids loved it!
On Tuesday we did a jungle activity and practiced following directions using different sizes of jaguars, jackrabbits, and a jeep. Then we practiced tracing and sorting with jellybeans!
On Wednesday morning we went through our children's books... just kept our favorites! WOW, we had a lot!
Then we made some jack-o-lanterns! Later w had friends over for a playdate and we played a jack-o-lantern counting game with them. Super fun!
On Thursday we practiced finding things that were different and did some J/j jumping. We played Jack Be Nimble and practiced putting on our jackets ALL BY OURSELVES!
Thursday was Kieryn's preschool Harvest Party and Ronan and I helped!
After school we made Jack, our jack-o-lantern for the front porch.
On Friday we did shape matching with jewels and practiced gluing with real jewels.
On Saturday we talked about Joshua and Jericho and did an activity with our snack. We marched our teddy grahams around our marshmallow walls seven times. Then we sounded the trumpets and knocked the walls down! The kids loved it.
Of course, we did trick-or-treating and got LOTS of candy! Happy Halloween!
We look forward to seeing you soon!