Sunday, November 1, 2020

Happy Halloween Week!

We were happily surprised to see snow on Monday morning! Kieryn and Alexis were bundled up by 7am and throwing snowballs...

It was hard to focus on school with all the pretty snow falling...

but after some brief Halloween/fall themed activities...

Leaf name practice...

We bundled up and ventured outdoors for "snow trampolining" and "freeze" tag! It was a blast!

The dogs liked tag the best!

Tyson decided to nap in the warm house instead.

After some hot chocolate we carved pumpkins!

We continued our Halloween themed activities the rest of the week too! On Tuesday we started the day with scary story writing...

We used story cubes to write our first story.. with each roll of the cube you got a different setting, character, conflict, and outcome. The kids really enjoyed this!

Alexis did a pumpkin number puzzle and a pumpkin memory game.

After story writing we all played memory!

Tyson did some tummy time...

The kids were surprised on Tuesday morning to a spooky school space, complete with bats, spiders, pumpkins, and ghosts!

On Wednesday Alexis practiced her counting and did bat shape practice...

cold mornings equal lots of snuggles!

Instead of "read aloud" time on Wednesday we used our imaginations and our hands to tell silly/scary shadow puppet stories...

On Thursday Alexis practiced her colors with the help of some friendly spiders... she pulled out a color from the pumpkin and had to match it to the correct color spider. She loved this and did it many times!

On both Tuesday and Thursday this week we did move it math... the kids had to find 12 cards hidden around the house. After solving the card, they had to do movement from one card to the next (example: frog hop, cheetah run, skip, etc) Each card had clues on it and they had to guess the correct number (example: this number is even, multiple of 4, higher than 24, etc).

Alexis tried to do some Halloween patterns and coloring...

We continued work on our "scary story writing"... this time writing without story cubes! Once they'd finished their stories I had them find parts of speech.... They both did very well!

Big sister love!

We had fun trying on costumes to find the right one for Halloween...

Later we played with playdough and tried some fraction practice...

Friday is always their favorite! We did some Halloween games in the morning and got the house picked up... after that we did the "treat store" where they got to turn in the tickets they'd earned for the week for things like: cooperative behavior in school activities, good writing/handwriting, spelling, reading, and math. This week there were Halloween themed things for them to "buy" with their tickets... creepy hand pens, tiger socks, slime, gummy fingers/ears/noses/, ghost/witch notebooks, candy corn, Cheetos, and orange soda. It was a huge hit!

My three tigers...

After lunch we finished the day with some journal writing and Halloween art!

On Friday night we loaded up dinner and our fishing poles and went out to Pott #2. It was a beautiful night to be outdoors! Way different than Monday!

We had a relaxing start to our Saturday...but we were excited to watch KSU play...

That evening we had a blast trick-or-treating our neighborhood....

The kids got TONS of goodies!

It was a Happy Halloween!
Until next time...

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