Sunday, April 12, 2020

Week 4- Copp School

We had another wonderful week of Copp School. Woodrow Wilson did a "virtual spirit week," so each day had a theme as to what the kids could wear. I didn't push it and gave the option if the kids were interested.

Alexis had finished the alphabet last week so her lessons this week were Easter themed.

All kids had fun with the Easter "scratch" art.

Alexis practiced her color matching...

As well as "big, medium, and small," and putting objects in order.

Kieryn had fun making her own instrument.

On Tuesday we had fun sewing Easter art. The kids could choose to do an egg, a bunny, or a chick.

Our bible lesson on Wednesday involved an experiment. The lighted candle represented Jesus, the pennies were "us," and the red liquid represented us being covered in sin, when the light was covered and forced to go out (like Jesus dying on the cross) the liquid was sucked up into the cup... thus representing that Jesus died to take away our sins. It was really neat! We did it more than once!

Afterwards the kids took time to do a tissue paper Easter craft while I taught a fitness class on zoom.

They did a great job!

Later Alexis did some shape matching.

On Thursday we practiced some patterning...

And had fun painting while the big kids did their school work.

On Thursday afternoon I had my 20 week sonogram appointment. I didn't want to know the gender at the appointment so the sonographer put the results in an envelop and we opened it as a family that night with dinner. Everyone guessed before we opened it.


We celebrated with some blue ice cream!

On Friday Alexis had fun counting dots and matching...

We did puzzle time...

And then we did a family Jelly Bean Prayer to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross and what he still does for us today.

Sunday morning had a 6:30 am start and everyone was excited about their Easter basket goodies! Most of all they were happy to start their day with chocolate!

We hope you had a blessed Easter!
Until next time!

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