This week we covered letter u and began Monday with some baking. We made banana upside down cakes!
While they were baking we did a quick lesson...tracing and a unicorn puzzle.
After our upside cake snack we did a "u" workout! Up/down, under, and upside somersaults!
On Tuesday we talked about things that go up.
Then we did an "up" experiment! We blew up a balloon with gas made from a liquid and powder (baking soda and vinegar).
The kids loved it! Then we compared the density of the balloons blown up by me vs those blown up by the gas in our experiment. It was actually neat to see those balloons from the experiment fell faster (when thrown up) than those I had blown up. Great experiment!
On Thursday we talked about animals that live under water...we practiced cutting and gluing in the car ride to a place where the kids could also go underwater! They had so much fun!
On Thursday afternoon Kieryn and I played Uno.... It didn't go so well when we tried it later that night with Daddy and Ronan.
Later that day I took the kids for their first old fashioned root beer float... Just for fun!
Got to get out in the sun a bit this weekend too!
Until next time!