Saturday, October 17, 2020

Break week!

We took the week off! After completing 10 straight weeks of school I decided to take the week to celebrate/enjoy fall! Monday was Daddy's 39th birthday so we baked a cake together and decorated it. We made cards, decorated the basement for a party and decided on some party games! The kids helped get the dinner ready. The next day I had the kids journal about their favorite part of being party planners! 

Daddy really liked his birthday gift... There was shrimp too!

Tyson slept through dinner and the party part, but he had good birthday snuggles with Daddy later that evening!

On Tuesday we went on a hike in our favorite spot!

The rest of the week was spent staying in PJs for most of the day, playing outside, going to the play ground, jumping on the trampoline, writing fall stories, and loving the fall weather! On Friday instead of the candy store we played games, and played the WII together!

Saturday evening turned out to be perfect firepit weather so we had dinner around the fire, and made smores for dessert! 

Tyson enjoyed his first firepit experience!

It was a great break for everyone! Fun week for sure!
Until next time!

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