Sunday, September 29, 2019

Excellent Week!

We covered letter E this week...

We began by feeding elephants letter E peanuts...

Then we practiced colors with an elephant matching game...

On Tuesday we got to see lots of excavators working around our neighborhood and around town!

Then we did a construction puzzle...

And practiced some fine motor skills...

On Wednesday we exercised at the gym in the morning and then played with Easter eggs in the afternoon...

Front of the eggs... kind of tough for her but she matched colors and shapes instead... it was a good intro to letters in her name...

Back of the eggs...

Kieryn had scrimmage on Wednesday night to get ready for her game on Saturday. She is loving volleyball!

On Thursday we talked about emotions and did a fun activity...

She needed help, but we got all the faces done...

Then we played "eye" spy! She was actually very good at knowing what objects in our living room are called. I would call out an item and she would run to it and show me that she found it!

Later that day we used our ears to do a listening activity. There were kitchen sounds and she had to point to the item that made the sounds. She did very well!

On Thursday night we had Kieryn's softball and Ronan's soccer. I forgot my phone for Ronan's game so no pics again.... fingers crossed that I remember for next week! :)

On Friday we did Elmo and played with Popsicle sticks. We made an "E" and other shapes!

We even played with envelopes.

On Saturday we had two games in Rock Creek. Kieryn and the Pink Flamingos had so much fun!

Until next time!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Darling letter D

It was a fun letter D week! I like to start the day's post with the books that we read throughout the day. We tend to read one or two at lunch, one before and/or after naps, and sometimes one before bed.

We practiced big "D" and little "d" by feeding big "D" bones to Duke and little "d" ones to daisy!

Then we practiced "big and little" with our stuffed dogs. I would ask Alexis to kiss the big dog and hug the little dog... or put the big dog on the floor and put the little dog on the fireplace, etc.

When we were done playing with the dogs we moved on to dominoes... we built/stacked, we knocked over, and even fed some to the dogs!

After lunch we tried to do letter D dots!

And then treated Toby to a DOG park! Alexis had just as much fun as Toby!

On Tuesday we had lots of pretend fun!

Alexis loved playing doctor to her dolls!

Later that day we practiced color match with some diamonds. I lined them up and gave her one at a time to see if she could find the match. We made the second try more fun. I would give her the diamond and she would "dash" around the couch and then match it! While going around the couch we would sing... "we're dashing, we're dashing, we're dashing...We had a great time with this simple game.

That night the girls enjoyed a dance class!

On Wednesday we had fun with drums, dancing and lots more!

This drum was a great way to practice fast, slow, loud, and quiet drumming!

When I played she had to have her dogs to dance with!

We did some shape matching using donut holes!

And then we shared a treat with the whole family for a dinner dessert!

On Thursday we talked about ducks!

We sang the five little ducks song to practice some counting...

We did some drawing...

Then we went to see some "ducks" or duck-like animals... hehehe. Normally there are at least a few ducks with the geese, but this time it was only geese... so we said we saw ducks. :)

When we got home we played dress up with a felt doll. She really liked this!

After a snack, she helped me dust!

Thursdays are the crazy nights... Kieryn has softball and Ronan has soccer so we are busy!

Uncle Jeff made it to watch Ronan's soccer! Ronan scored two goals in his game!

On Friday we had fun with dinos and dirt!

It was a darling week of letter D!

We had a great time on Saturday at the school fitness challenge! It was Kieryn and Ronan's first race!

Ronan came in third in his heat!

Kieryn was 6th in her heat, second girl to cross the finish line!

Until next time!