Monday, August 22, 2016

Back to school!!

These kiddos were ready for the start of school! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Haug for giving them their book bags this year!

We started Monday with the alphabet again! Kieryn will most likely not participate in many activities as she will be in school all day, but on occasion that she does I plan to have things for her to work on too!

Letter A bible lesson was about the ark and the animals. We practiced putting the story in order and then matching animal skins.

Ronan traced and Kieryn practiced drawing some words.

Tuesday was the first day of school for Kieryn! Ronan also began his 2x/week preschool with his cousin Micah. Janell and I are each taking a day to teach the letter of the week, thus giving each other a whole day to get other things done! I have the boys on Tuesdays. 

1st day of Auntie JAMboree Preschool (J-Janell, A-and, M-Melissa; not settled on this name for sure yet).

My day was apples and aerobics! First we sorted colors...

Then we did A/a matching...

Picked some apples from the backyard tree...

Apple stamped letter a,

Then ate apples! These two have their own language... I was cracking up!

Then we did some aerobics!

And practiced #1!

After picking up the big kids, we treated them to a picnic lunch and ice cream to celebrate the 1st day of school!

That evening we had our first night of gymnastics! Both kids loved it!

On Wednesday we practiced counting and number matching with an alligator...

On Thursday Kieryn got to ride the bus for the first time!

On Friday I took the boys to the library and to the mall to see the fountains!

Later that day we practiced finding big/small, tall/short, and stripes/spots....

Along with cutting, name practice, finding all the same, and flying/pretending with some airplanes!

We spent Saturday at Lake Kahola! It was cold but we still had a blast!

Great way to lead into letter B week with the first boat ride!!

On Sunday we surprised Daddy with a back to school gift since KSU starts next week! We love you Daddy!

Hard to believe that summer is coming to a quick end. We still made it to the pool once last week but with our new schedule it will now be harder! Cheers to a new chapter in our lives... A kindergartner!! 
Until next time...

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