Monday, May 9, 2016

Busy little bees!

We began the week with some fun! We went to the sing/dance-a-long with Mr. Steve. The kids loved it! Then we made our daily trip to Menards!

On Tuesday we again looked at our "50" shades of gray on the living room wall... This room seems to be our biggest struggle right now. The color literally looks like a different color on every wall! 

We went to city park that day and later while doing dishes I had a great view from my kitchen window! Love this house!

Wednesday we checked out Varsity Donuts! Kids loved it!!

On Thursday Grandpa and Grandma visited to help some more with the house. Grandpa and the kids got the garden ready... Grandma and I painted! Thanks soooo much for all your help!! We are incredibly grateful!!

Then we spent Friday morning shopping for our garden items and planting the garden. The kids helped a little but then decided to play in the water. 

Doesn't look like much now but hopefully we will get some carrots, lettuce, corn, beans, cauliflower, tomatoes, onions, peppers, zuccini, rhubarb, and raspberries!

That afternoon and Saturday morning we hit our community yard sales before venturing back to Seneca to celebrate Mothers Day and gets load of our stuff from the farm! What a busy week! Lots in store for next week too! Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! Good timing...lunch break for me. A lot going on for the Copp household!!
