Monday, May 30, 2016

Officially Moved In!!

Such a fun week and a great feeling to be moved in and for the most part settled! We completely finished painting last Sunday. I was able to clean carpets late morning and then that evening we moved our couches into the house!

The kids were happy to have a comfy spot to sit (so were we!!)

Feels good!!

We made bird feeders this week! We have actually seen some birds eating off of them!

Played lots of pretend this week... Dressed like a Mommy and Daddy...

On Saturday we worked as a family on the second window well. The kids had fun in the wagon...

That night we did a fire pit!

Sunday was a relaxing day! We slept in! No pics but after church we went to our community pool! I know we will love it this summer! Uncle Jeff came over for supper and games! It was a great day, which was an awesome end to a very good week!
Relaxed again on Monday and spent the day at the pool!!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sooo Close!!

It was another big work week at the house for the Copp family. We worked more in the basement getting things organized. The kids have been great as far as playing together while we work!!

We visited Mr. Steve and got a big cinnamon roll.

The Tuesday class was packed!!

On Wednesday we went to the "Wildcat store" as the kids would say. They enjoyed that trip!

My mom came down on Thursday and we painted and cleaned the master bathroom. She has been a HUGE help!!

Then we did some painting on Friday...

I am helping with Manhattan Bootcamp Challenge again and gave a workout on Saturday morning.

When I got home from bootcamp we went right to work! My parents can down to help. We finished painting and cleaning our Master bedroom! We are so thankful!!

Then that evening we had the Uncles over for dinner to celebrate my Mom and Dad's 34th Wedding anniversary! Congrats you two and enjoy your special day! You two are a wonderful example of a strong marriage! Thank you for all that you have sacrificed for us!! We love you!

The kids were proud of their gift... They finger painted the blue background, helped hunt for the stick and rocks, thumb- printed the hearts, and wrapped the gift! 

Until next time!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Kids' Rooms DONE!

Not really any pictures for this week. We worked hard unpacking and completely finishing the kids' rooms. Steven and I were up until midnight on Saturday  night cleaning, staging, and hanging pictures so that we could surprise the kids on Sunday morning! They LOVE their new rooms! They have already slept one whole night in them with no problems!

We also spent time this week in the garden, doing yard work, playing at our community play ground, and visiting the library!
We really hope to have most all painting done by this weekend. Let summer begin!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Busy little bees!

We began the week with some fun! We went to the sing/dance-a-long with Mr. Steve. The kids loved it! Then we made our daily trip to Menards!

On Tuesday we again looked at our "50" shades of gray on the living room wall... This room seems to be our biggest struggle right now. The color literally looks like a different color on every wall! 

We went to city park that day and later while doing dishes I had a great view from my kitchen window! Love this house!

Wednesday we checked out Varsity Donuts! Kids loved it!!

On Thursday Grandpa and Grandma visited to help some more with the house. Grandpa and the kids got the garden ready... Grandma and I painted! Thanks soooo much for all your help!! We are incredibly grateful!!

Then we spent Friday morning shopping for our garden items and planting the garden. The kids helped a little but then decided to play in the water. 

Doesn't look like much now but hopefully we will get some carrots, lettuce, corn, beans, cauliflower, tomatoes, onions, peppers, zuccini, rhubarb, and raspberries!

That afternoon and Saturday morning we hit our community yard sales before venturing back to Seneca to celebrate Mothers Day and gets load of our stuff from the farm! What a busy week! Lots in store for next week too! Until next time!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Loving the new house!

We had a rough start to the week as we had some water in our basement after the heavy weekend rains. We made plans to fix the window well later on in the week. 
On Tuesday we got haircuts...Kieryn wanted to cut hers short!

She looks so much older now!


Ronan started pedaling!!

We got a dining table, LOVE LOVE IT!

We even had some cousins over for a visit! They had a blast!

I lost track of how many trips we made to Menards this week... Wish they had a rewards program for big spenders!

We did a little unpacking and Kieryn got into the costumes.

On Saturday we had lots of help painting the upstairs. A HUGE thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Haug, and Uncle Jeff!! The kids' rooms are nearly ready.

On Sunday Steven hand some help digging out and redoing the leaky window well. He did an awesome job! Only 4 more to redo! 

Thanks again to my Mon who was here on both Wednesday and Thursday helping me get the basement painted and cleaned. It is now a wonderful toy room for the kids!! Love you Mom, you are amazing!!