Monday, April 6, 2015

Very Very FUN week!

We began letter V week with some letter review, letter v books, and a few short YouTube videos about letter V.

Also on Monday was Kieryn's Easter party at school. Ronan even got to participate in some of the games, the hunt, and of course, the snack!

On Monday night we dyed our eggs for the week!

The not sure where Ronan picked up sticking out his tongue for pics..??.. :)

On Tuesday we talked about volcanos, watched a few short videos, traced, and then made one of our own! The kids loved it!

Then on Wednesday we practiced tracing and played Vet. Kieryn LOVED this and played it every day after!

These were her patients...

And each one got very special care.

It was stinking cute... after each pretend shot, she gave them a hug and told them they were brave!

On Thursday we spent a lot of much needed time outside! We visited Cleona park, Kieryn's favorite!

Then on Friday it rained, so we were back inside... we practiced counting vegetables and matching numbers. 

And we did an activity with vines and a bible verse.

The Easter Bunny visited our house on Friday morning and the rest of the free time was packing and preparing for the weekend in Maryland.

The kids liked the little hunt!

We spent Easter weekend in Maryland with the Copp family. Kieryn and Ronan had so much fun with their cousins. We got to do and Easter carnival...

The bunny was there!

...Steven won a free Easter basket full of goodies...

... and we got to see the emergency vehicles!

The weather was windy but nice enough for the kids to be outside. So they did some climbing...

...participated in a neighborhood egg hunt...

... ate lots of candy...

And then got all dressed up for Easter church!

Hope you had a Happy Easter! Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. You should see me when I read your blog and see the pictures - ALL SMILES.
