Just love these two...
We began letter "Y" week with a yogurt snack and practice with the "y" sound and tracing.
On Tuesday we reviewed some things that begin with "y" and colored... did some sewing with yellow yarn...
And then we played a yummy/yucky game... Had the kids close their eyes and then try different things to test if they were yummy or yucky! Loved it!... and didn't have anything yucky...
On Wednesday we made a "y" out of yellow squares...
and did a yellow matching game.
While Kieryn was at school on Wednesday, Ronan got out and enjoyed some nice weather (before it turned cold for the rest of the week).
We ran, explored, and gathered some walnuts to crack later with the hammers...
so fun!
On Thursday we watched some yo-yo tricks on YouTube, practiced tracing, and then tried the yo-yo out for ourselves...
We ended the week with a "Y" hunt in the house on Friday and a trip to Bass Pro on Saturday... we're still waiting for the 70+ degree weather... fingers crossed for next week to be warmer!