Sunday, April 26, 2015

YES, we had fun!

Just love these two...

We began letter "Y" week with a yogurt snack and practice with the "y" sound and tracing.

On Tuesday we reviewed some things that begin with "y" and colored... did some sewing with yellow yarn...

And then we played a yummy/yucky game... Had the kids close their eyes and then try different things to test if they were yummy or yucky! Loved it!... and didn't have anything yucky...

On Wednesday we made a "y" out of yellow squares...

and did a yellow matching game.

While Kieryn was at school on Wednesday, Ronan got out and enjoyed some nice weather (before it turned cold for the rest of the week). 

We ran, explored, and gathered some walnuts to crack later with the hammers...

so fun!

On Thursday we watched some yo-yo tricks on YouTube, practiced tracing, and then tried the yo-yo out for ourselves...

We ended the week with a "Y" hunt in the house on Friday and a trip to Bass Pro on Saturday... we're still waiting for the 70+ degree weather... fingers crossed for next week to be warmer! 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

eXcellent Week!

Kieryn ended last week with a birthday party at the kidmazium on Sunday afternoon. She and all the kids had so much fun!

Then we began letter X week coloring/tracing and matching with a xylophone!

We had nice weather most of this week, so we took our letter x activity outdoors on Tuesday. We practiced following directions. We had a box and after picking one of the instruction cards, the kids had to place the fox where it said... inside, under, left, right, on top, etc. They actually had fun doing this one!

On Wednesday we talked about x-rays. We watched a short video about a child getting an x-ray on his broken arm. Then we made one...

Then we had a snack and made the letter x with our cereal...

On Thursday we made our first trip to ZooAmerica and CoCo Castle park for a picnic. The kids had so much fun with their friends Callen and Cole!

Later that day we learned to play tick-tack-toe. Kieryn is pretty good at it! I was surprised she picked it up so quickly!

We spent Friday and all of the weekend outside as much as possible... it was beautiful weather! We ended the week with a Twix dessert after our bbq brauts and hotdog, corn on the cob, and coleslaw meal! WE LOVE THE WARMER WEATHER!!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Wonderful Times!

W is for warmer weather! On Monday we were able to go outside and play in some water!

Sadly, after Monday, the rest of the week was cold, windy, and rainy... but we had fun inside... we enjoyed some watemelon and practiced counting seeds and tracing numbers.

On Wednesday we did some pretend play with our wishing wands.

On Thursday we practiced the "w" sound and did some watercolor whales.

Friday we did a w search... no pics...

Then, on Saturday, we made our first trip of the summer to Hershey Park. Kieryn and Ronan couldn't have been more excited!  Kieryn got to give her own "big girl" park pass to the worker at the pass gate. She was so happy!

Plan to have many fun days at Hershey Park this summer! 

Until next time...

Monday, April 6, 2015

Very Very FUN week!

We began letter V week with some letter review, letter v books, and a few short YouTube videos about letter V.

Also on Monday was Kieryn's Easter party at school. Ronan even got to participate in some of the games, the hunt, and of course, the snack!

On Monday night we dyed our eggs for the week!

The not sure where Ronan picked up sticking out his tongue for pics..??.. :)

On Tuesday we talked about volcanos, watched a few short videos, traced, and then made one of our own! The kids loved it!

Then on Wednesday we practiced tracing and played Vet. Kieryn LOVED this and played it every day after!

These were her patients...

And each one got very special care.

It was stinking cute... after each pretend shot, she gave them a hug and told them they were brave!

On Thursday we spent a lot of much needed time outside! We visited Cleona park, Kieryn's favorite!

Then on Friday it rained, so we were back inside... we practiced counting vegetables and matching numbers. 

And we did an activity with vines and a bible verse.

The Easter Bunny visited our house on Friday morning and the rest of the free time was packing and preparing for the weekend in Maryland.

The kids liked the little hunt!

We spent Easter weekend in Maryland with the Copp family. Kieryn and Ronan had so much fun with their cousins. We got to do and Easter carnival...

The bunny was there!

...Steven won a free Easter basket full of goodies...

... and we got to see the emergency vehicles!

The weather was windy but nice enough for the kids to be outside. So they did some climbing...

...participated in a neighborhood egg hunt...

... ate lots of candy...

And then got all dressed up for Easter church!

Hope you had a Happy Easter! Until next time!