Sunday, August 10, 2014

Playing together...

Every day these two are becoming better and better friends... there are still fights, but for the most part, they are beginning to play  more together! It melts my heart!!

During the month of August we are working on days of the week, months (kind of) and numbers (1-31). Each morning we do song and look at what day it is. We practice counting and looking at our past activities. Then, Kieryn gets to add the activity for the day to her calendar. She really enjoys it!

After the first day she decided to plan out her month when no one was looking... and then she wanted to tell me all about it while in her high heels. She means business! :)

We finally had time to make our shell craft using the shells we collected from our vacation in June to Rohoboth Beach.

Kieryn wasn't sure at first, but really enjoys putting her toothbrush and toothpaste in it now! She even made one for Ronan, so each kid has their own.

We attended the "Family Night Out" festivities put on by the local fire station. It was great! Lots of booths, candy, kid games, face painting, etc. Kieryn and Ronan had a blast!

Kieryn tried cotton candy for the first time! Loved it of course!

Both kids had fun climbing in the fire trucks.

Both kiddos wanted to help me dust this week... so they were dancing and dusting their train table together. It was so cute!

Kieryn climbed into Ronan's bed for some quality reading/play time after he woke up from his nap. I guess she missed him while he was sleeping.

On Friday we visited the ZooAmerica. The kids liked seeing all the animals. They even got to pet a turtle! 

We spent the day on Saturday at Hershey Park and went again on Sunday evening with friends! We really love the park!

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