Sunday, January 12, 2014

Totally Terrific Week!

We began our "T" week with lots of terrific activities! We made a "T" tiger and turkey. Then we did a play dough "T", as well as a spaghetti "T" so that Ronan could play too.

We even made play dough train!


Ronan had lots of fun with the spaghetti!

It was -35 degrees on Tuesday morning and Steven's car wouldn't start so he had to take our vehicle.... no worries though, we had lots of fun "T" things to do! We used our talents to draw tall things and of course, train tracks! We played LOTS of trains on this day.

Later that day we talked about teeth and practiced brushing with some toothbrush painting!

Kieryn always ends up looking like this by the end of our paint sessions... I guess I know she's having fun!

The next day we made tambourines and discussed other instruments that begin with t. Kieryn colored/decorated while I did the hot gluing. I was pretty proud of myself as this was my own invention... no internet help! :)   They turned out pretty neat! We used pop can tabs and yarn on the outside as well as some tabs in the middle; hot glued them together. Pretty simple, and super loud!

We had a great dance party! We even made one for Daddy so he could dance when he got home!

We did train puzzles... and Ronan got in on playing puzzles too!

starting him early....  :)

That night we had tacos... and Kieryn (so picky) actually like it!

The next day we made a "T" tractor and discussed trucks and traveling. We did triangle trees and then did a triangle hunt to see what we could find in the house that was shaped as a triangle.

It was a wonderful week! And to Top it off... Ronan is 7 months old today! Time has really flown! It's hard to believe that we've been in PA now for 6 months!

We love you so much Ronan and can't imagine our family without you!

1 comment:

  1. Grandpop and GrandmomJanuary 12, 2014 at 5:30 PM

    Kevin, Dale and I were excited to see a Sunday update. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.
