This post is mostly about Kieryn... Ronan is still a very sleepy baby but his awake time is becoming longer. Kieryn still really enjoys her three trains from Grandpa and Grandma Haug. She takes them almost everywhere with her! She really enjoys putting them down the slide at the park near our house (and any park we go to really).
Something new that I tried this week was a letter of the week in our "reading nook". Each morning this week we had reading/learning time. We usually learned or practiced 1-2 new words beginning with the letter, followed by reading 1-2 books that started with "A", and then we did an activity beginning with the letter. We made anklets for our ankles (Elmo even got one), paper airplanes, clothes pin/ popscicle stick airplanes, apple cake, practiced cutting avocados, and an activity with the letter (you can see the alligator on the wall). She was so proud of her "A" board and she got to share what she learned with Daddy each night. We even practiced buying "A" things at the store - apples, apricots, avocados, etc. By the end of the week, she was telling me the things that started with "A". I was SHOCKED when she brought her stuffed alligator to join us in the reading nook because he started with "A". Can't wait to see how she transitions into "B" this week.
ALSO, Kieryn is potty trained! We've really worked with her the past two weeks and we are proud to share that she is doing WONDERFUL! She's been keeping her underwear dry at night and during naps too... so when we found this black toy truck at a yard sale yesterday we decided she deserved a reward for becoming such a big girl. SHE LOVES IT!!
We weren't surprised when the trains got the first ride!
Until next time...
She is growing up so fast! Good for you finding the time to work with letters, etc. I am sure she loves the car:)