Sunday, August 25, 2013

D is for Dandy Week!

Meet Totti (toe-tee)!
The newest member of our Copp family- Kieryn's pet fish!

Kieryn earned her fish by going to sleep by herself for 10 nights. It was a bad habit that we started while living in my parents' home. Luckily, thanks to Totti, she's been going to bed every night without Daddy sleeping in her bed all night.

She's getting so big!

And look who's smiling!! Ronan's such a happy little guy! He loves to chat and smile at us!

(He even got to wear some "d" clothes this week - Daddy's little Dino shirt)

This week was "D" week! "D" is for...
DRESSES (and discomfort)  :)

 We had a playdate with a fellow K-Stater! These two got along great!


Kieryn got to make her own bread. 


 We painted three different dinos, she loved it.


This was her favorite. She fed Duke & Dutches their D/d bones and did quite well!


Sister/Brother time: Kieryn and Ronan are getting along great!

Over the weekend we ventured to Gaithersburg. Kieryn had so much fun playing with her cousin Tiana!

"D" is also for DADDY TIME!!

Until next time!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Figuring out our surroundings!

This week was "C" week! We practiced with lots of "c" words. Kieryn's favorite two were chocolate and cars!

When we ventured to a Farmer's Market and Kieryn got to taste test cheese and chocolate bread.

She liked the bread A LOT!

Ronan was showing off his muscles this week...

AND HIS SMILE!! We are getting him to smile and coo more often now as he is awake a bit more during the day.

Kieryn made cookies for C week and really enjoyed them!

Last night we went exploring on the Milton Hershey school campus. There was a beautiful brick path and lots of neat bridges, big rocks to climb, pine cones, and ducks/fish to see in the pond.

I had to document Ronan being wide awake! I think he really enjoyed getting outside too.

Until next week...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Ronan is 2 months old!

 Our little man is 2 months old today! It's really hard to believe that we've already been in PA for one month! He is getting soooo big! We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to find out just how much!

Someone else is growing up pretty fast too... WAY TO FAST...

Um... that's the front door! Guess we'll have to dead bolt it now when we're home so she doesn't sneak out! She was pretty proud of herself for getting that open.

We spent some time this weekend exploring. We found a new duck pond and nice shady trail near the med center. Kieryn had fun feeding the ducks, Ronan was asleep. :)

Last week was "B" week! We had fun using our binoculars to find things that started with "B" in the house and Kieryn's room. She wasn't fully interested in the "B" things... she had more fun using her binoculars to watch TV and the airplanes flying overhead.

One of her favorite activities was bouncing the balloon in our boots (yep, I wore some too)!

We also had fun making our own barrettes!


 What better way to start "C" week... we ventured to Chocolate World this morning to see the singing cows (Nice idea Daddy!!)! Kieryn loved it, Ronan was asleep. :)

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Kieryn is getting so BIG!!

This post is mostly about Kieryn... Ronan is still a very sleepy baby but his awake time is becoming longer. Kieryn still really enjoys her three trains from Grandpa and Grandma Haug. She takes them almost everywhere with her! She really enjoys putting them down the slide at the park near our house (and any park we go to really).


Something new that I tried this week was a letter of the week in our "reading nook". Each morning this week we had reading/learning time. We usually learned or practiced 1-2 new words beginning with the letter, followed by reading 1-2 books that started with "A", and then we did an activity beginning with the letter. We made anklets for our ankles (Elmo even got one), paper airplanes, clothes pin/ popscicle stick airplanes, apple cake, practiced cutting avocados, and an activity with the letter (you can see the alligator on the wall). She was so proud of her "A" board and she got to share what she learned with Daddy each night. We even practiced buying "A" things at the store - apples, apricots, avocados, etc. By the end of the week, she was telling me the things that started with "A". I was SHOCKED when she brought her stuffed alligator to join us in the reading nook because he started with "A". Can't wait to see how she transitions into "B" this week.

ALSO, Kieryn is potty trained! We've really worked with her the past two weeks and we are proud to share that she is doing WONDERFUL! She's been keeping her underwear dry at night and during naps too... so when we found this black toy truck at a yard sale yesterday we decided she deserved a reward for becoming such a big girl. SHE LOVES IT!!

We weren't surprised when the trains got the first ride!

Until next time...