Sunday, June 9, 2013

A day at Grandma and Grandpa's farm with Kieryn...

We tend to begin each morning playing with the train set. She can spend 20-30 minutes just playing, but eventually she'll ask someone to play with her by saying "Papa (grandpa) sit, or "Ama (grandma) sit".
When we head outside, one of the first things she says is either Lu (the dog), At (for cat), or sing (for swing). On this particular occasion she was happy with two of the three! If she's not on this swing then she's in the tire swing saying "yee-ha".
At some point on most days, she helps with garden work - picking strawberries, watering Grandma's flowers, or, like on this day, she got to plant a blackberry bush.

Then we spend about 10-15 minutes driving something... the lawn mowers, Grandpa's tractors/trucks, the Kia, or Grandma's car. For some reason she REALLY likes driving and is starting to ask for it every time we go somewhere.

Finally, towards the end of the day she helps Grandpa gather the eggs.

After a month and a half of this lifestyle, her daily routine is going to seem boring after we move! Hopefully we can keep her this busy in Pennsylvania too!
We love you busy body!!


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