Monday, February 4, 2013

Crazy Kansas Weather

Last Monday the weather was sunny and about 60 degrees.... and the following day it snowed and didn't get above 20 degrees until the end of the week. We tried to take advantage of the "warm" Monday as much as possible! We did bubbles, played in the water, and Daddy even got to come home early to play with us outside. He and Kieryn had a great time washing the Kia!


Afterwards, they went for a bike ride. This is something we'll be doing more when the weather is consistently warm. Kieryn loves it!

Yesterday, Sunday, my friend Kala and I put on a baby shower for our friend Carrie. The theme was "Oh baby it's cold outside," and BOY was it cute!

Kieryn and Daddy got to help with some set-up too. They even enjoyed a doughnut and some piano playing!

Bump buddies for about 2 more months! We are anxious to meet little Lane and our well wishes go out to Carrie & Ryan as they welcome their little man into the world!

1 comment:

  1. Dale is looking forward to his visit out to Kansas this Thursday. AND I am looking forward to finding out if you are having a boy or girl:)
