Sunday, October 14, 2012

We girls like to have fun!!

What a fun week this was! Grandma Haug came to stay with us Wednesday thru Saturday while Steven was at his conference in Colorado! Kieryn was very excited to get to spend some quality time with Grandma...

We went to a mini "Octoberfest" at the Riley Co. Health Department. Kieryn loved the apple muffins, live music, and all the pumpkins!

She had to show Grandma how good she's gotten at feeding the birds. We keep a bucket of bird feed by the back door to feed the birds each morning. She loves to get it herself and dump it on the feed stands. She could go back and forth all day if we'd let her! Her first REALLY BAD tantrum was after I'd stopped her once she'd been going for about 10 minutes.

We even took Grandma to playgroup! Kieryn was showing Grandma all her favorite toys and putting on quite the show!


Kieryn loved playing with Grandma... wearing her necklaces and her shoes... they had so much fun!

We did some shopping at the mall and threw some pennies in the water fountain.

While Kieryn slept, Grandma and Mommy had craft time! It was so much fun! Check out our projects!

One morning we knew that Kieryn was missing Daddy... she set up her table just like Daddy does... computer out, books to study, cup of coffee, and feet up! 

We watched the Wildcats on Saturday and Grandpa drove down to join us! Kieryn had so much fun watching them defeat Iowa St. while playing with Grandpa! Uncle Travis stopped by briefly but I didn't get any pictures. Kieryn just LOVES him! She was bringing books to him and wanted to sit on his lap the whole time he was here.

She had a blast with Grandpa's hat...

Thanks again Grandma (and Grandpa) for such a fun week and weekend!


  1. It looks like Brenda and Marion had a great time with Kieryn. It looks like so much fun!!

  2. Grandpop and GrandmomOctober 15, 2012 at 8:35 PM

    When we got home from work, we were able to slowly look at all the pictures. All the SMILES made us smile:)
