There were some nicer days this last week, so we managed to get outside and enjoy the fall weather. Kieryn still loves playing in the water, so I set her buckets up and she played for nearly 40 minutes on day!
After the K-State victory on Saturday, we headed over to Carrie & Ryan's for a Halloween party. It was a lot of fun and boy were there some GREAT costumes! We dressed as robbers and Kieryn was our loot! Sadly there were no other kids for her to play with, but she had fun with Ryan and Lu... and giving high fives to everyone at the party.
I didn't get pictures of every couple, but this was Daniel and Lu. Lu was afraid that her costume would scare Kieryn and feared she wouldn't be able to sleep, but we explained it was a mask and that Lu was being silly. By the end of the night, the two were playing peek-a-boo, and Kieryn slept like a rock!
Carrie did a great job on the food spread!
On Sunday, we visited Seneca for some trick-o-treating! Kieryn dressed as a witch!
Kieryn's funny face...
We visited Great Grandma & Grandpa Bergman.
And then visited my cousin Stacey. We couldn't resist meeting their new addition, Josie (5 weeks).
McKenzie and Kieryn had a blast playing together. There were lots of toys to keep them entertained.
After trick-o-treating, Grandpa took Kieryn out to see all the animals. She loved it!
She even got to help gather the eggs from the hen house.
What a fun week and weekend! Since Halloween is on Wednesday, there will most likely be another post towards the end of this week. Thanks for visiting our blog! Happy Halloween (a bit early)!