Sunday, August 27, 2023

First Full Week of School!

Alexis got to enjoy her first gymnastics class! She asked me every day after when her next class would be! I think she loves it!!

While Tyson napped this week I got to put away some freezer goodies! Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Haug for sharing!!

Tyson helped me gather eggs for Uncle Jeff this week while he was on vacation.

We ended our week with a trip to the pool!
It’s busy but I think we are adjusting nicely to the school schedule so far!

Sunday, August 20, 2023

It’s School Time!

We babysat cousin James on Tuesday! Tyson wanted to be the baby so he climbed in and made cooing noises! James thought it was hilarious!!

Wednesday was the first day of school! Sad to see summer go, but excited to the fun that lies ahead! Kieryn found out on Tuesday that she made her middle school volleyball team! She began practicing on Thursday!

Baby #3 off to Kindergarten! She loves it!! And Ronan’s last year at the elementary building! Wow these kids are growing up too fast!

Future Bison!

Tyson celebrated the first day of school with a visit to the park! He was so happy to have playground time that he didn’t even ask about the siblings. We will start some preschool soon!

On Thursday while the bigs had their first full day of school, Ty and his Haug cousin spent the morning at the zoo!

Saturday was Tyson’s actual 3rd birthday so we celebrated by playing a round of mini golf, playing at the McDonalds play place and then opening more gifts!

Now he can really put out some fires!!

Ronan got to have his first full pad practice on Sunday morning bright and early! They switched it from an evening practice due to a 111 degree forecast! He loves it and has been recognized several times by coaches for his hard work!!

The first full week of activities begins tomorrow! Hope we are ready! 
Until next time!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Final Count Down of Summer
Alexis got to sing her summer church songs on stage last weekend! Sad that summer things are slowly coming to an end.

Lots of dog play and snuggles on 100 degree days!

We had our last two days of babysitting for the E. Family last week. We are sad to see our summer play come to an end but we hope to keep the friendships and playdates alive throughout the school year!!

These two boys (with Kieryn’s help) kept up their summer tradition of RnL trick shot videos on their YouTube channel! It was so fun! They gave each other “merch” for their birthday gift exchanges… they are only days apart! Love the hats and shirts!!

This guy still loves golf! It warms my heart (and Daddy’s) when he wants to put all his golf clothes on to go golfing!

Kieryn attempted and completed her first ever triathlon! It was tough but she ended up placing 3rd!!

The two littles naturally had fun in the sand while we waited for the awards ceremony.

After a bit of rest on Saturday, we had the Haug family over to celebrate Tyson turning 3! We had a great time and Tyson loved his golf birthday!

Hard to believe the baby is 3 years old! Cheers to new adventures!!