Saturday, January 25, 2020

Radical Letter R!

We had a rad letter R week! 

We started with a letter R snack...

Then made a red rectangle picture! Alexis loves using the glue all by herself...

On Tuesday we tried the rooster race game... it uses number cards so I used 1-4 to help with number recognition. When she guessed right she got a corn... she wasn’t too happy with the game so we moved on to counting corn and creating shapes...

We did some fine motor with rubber bands, quick activity...

Then had fun with roads and racing cars!

Practiced some colors too...

Normally I am not a rainy weather fan, but it couldn’t have worked out more perfect for Wednesday to be a rainy day!! 

We did a raccoon craft first to let the outside temperature warm up a bit...

Then we put on rain boots, rain coat (good practice to do it all by herself), and headed out into the rain! 

On Thursday we did some rice play! We did digging, burying, filling, and pouring! Very fun activity! We even had a rice casserole for supper that Alexis helped with!

Later we colored a rabbit picture together...

And then made ribbon wands. You better believe we had a ridiculous dance party with those!! Even the dogs joined in!

On Friday we talked about Noah and the Ark! 

We practiced making an R with rocks...

And then made a rainbow! This was a great activity to practice colors and following instructions as you can see I had the next color drawn on the piece she glued down.

We even did a number and dot match activity!

On Saturday the big kids had a great time in a 4-H cake decorating session! They learned some fun decorating tricks and skills!

Until next time!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Q- quite wonderful!

Letter Q was a quick week! We managed to have a fun week of learning! 

On Monday we played with quarters! We counted, stacked, lines them up, practiced on top, inside and under using the semi truck.

On Tuesday we did quick feet and quiet feet!

We also had fun making a paper quilt!

On Wednesday we painted queens with q-tips!

On Thursday we didn’t do a lesson because we took a trip to Seneca to visit Grandpa and Grandma!

On Friday we had fun pretending to be queens. Kieryn dressed up too!

Great week! Until next time...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Precious Letter P!

Great way to start P week- puppy snuggles!!

On Monday we played in the pasta...

Played a toss game with a pail, ping-pong ball, and pots... the ball was a bit too bouncy so we modified the activity to “pounding on pots with a ping-pong ball” 

We spent time in the afternoon and evening doing play dough!

On Tuesday we had fun pretending with Paw Patrol Pups! It’s great that the pup’s clothing color matches the vehicle color... it was a natural color match activity! Later we spent time on the piano book!

Later we had a popcorn snack!

On Wednesday we colored princesses and had fun with our peanut, pistachio, pretzel snack!

We practiced some patterns, did shapes, and faces!

On Thursday we enjoyed a pink princess goldfish snack while practicing some shapes to make a pig!

That night we did some preparations for Alexis’s party!!

On Friday we had fun painting with pink and purple! 

It worked out perfectly that we ended Letter P week with a party! Alexis is 2 years old!!

Alexis has so much fun partying with her favorite people! 

Until next time...