This week we talked about the seasons and began working on Kieryn's name. Recognizing it and beginning steps to writing it. I had a lot of fun with this week as you'll see. I think the kids did too! Each morning I had a surprise set up on Kieryn's table as to the season we were going to cover. We made sure to read books about holidays that happened in that season and we did activities that would normally happen in that season. Great fun! I will remember this next year on snow days when we're stuck in doors!
We played with ice..which turned into splashing when the ice melted... I should have known!
Then we made ice shakers and later turned on the music for an ice dance party!
I tried to do different activities each day dealing with her name...
We made snowflakes and decorated with sprinkles!
And enjoyed some hot chocolate with our snack.
I brought back the umbrella from U week because Kieryn liked it so much.
We dressed for spring...
And later played an egg alphabet matching game. Super fun! I wrote capital letters on the top half of the egg and lower case on the bottom half. We put them on opposite ends of the house and before Kieryn picked up an egg she had to do 2 jumping jacks. I was very impressed that she could match them all with ease!
Ronan did some rice play!
Fruit kabobs with breakfast!
Picnic lunch. Kieryn had to "set the table" and match all the colors!
Then we built a tent for camping and went "fishing" for letters of her name. She had to put them in the correct order on another piece of paper after she "caught" them.
We had a picnic supper with Daddy and made smores for dessert!
Then that evening we took the kids swimming at the Palmyra HS. It was the first time we'd done the family swim night. Kieryn had a blast... Ronan wasn't so sure yet...
We added costumes to our dancin' & dustin! We had a blast!
Ronan is standing up very well next to things now! The kids are starting to play together more... melts my heart!
Over the weekend we ventured to Maryland and Virginia to celebrate birthdays! It was Great Grandma Hamlin's and Grandmom Copp. We had so much fun catching up with family!
Ronan has found the steps and is pretty proud of himself for climbing to the very top on his own...